Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fear in the vibration stage

After trying to sleep more hours, I decided to make another attempt to Astral Project. 

The usual time in the morning ( 7:00 - 7:30 am )
Although i didn't sleep well despite the number of hours due to busy work & study schedule, I still decided to try.Also remember that telling yourself throughout the day that you will astral project tonight has an effect as well. You are programming your brain that you will astral project. 

I relaxed myself by focusing on my breath, forgetting about my limps to let them relax as much as possible.  Just within minutes, I immediately entered the Sleeping paralysis. This time it was stronger than before and I was able to focus on projecting.  They kept getting stronger and stronger, not only I had keep focusing I also had to relax not getting excited that I am about to project. I have also assured myself many times that there was nothing to be scared of. 

As the vibrations got stronger, my hearing changed.. I started hearing strange whispers in my ear and felt being moved side to side, like a wobbling ball. A bit frightened by the whispers, I mean who wouldn't be scared when you hear someone speaking in your ears and you are sure you are the only person in the room. I let myself out of it and didn't try again obviously not realizing fear had become a temporary barrier. 

Next Steps Ahead : Focusing more on breathing well, reassuring of fear. I have heard from numerous sources that there is nothing to be scared of and there is no harm in even projecting at night because we humans have associated night with dangers and unknown fears. But since the mornings work best. I will keep on trying.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sleep Statistics

Interesting Statistics on Sleep, number of hours and the possibility of a projection. Taken from www.Astralpulse.com


This area of tracking is vital and has proven variable to success. Each sleep cycle I would track, researching if the amount of sleep mattered in achieving successful OBE. Yes, it does and here is the breakdown based on the hours of sleep needed the day before the OBE. As you see below, between 7hrs - 8hrs of sleep was recorded showing success rate at projecting. So now, I am able to see a better picture of the hours of sleep needed personally for me in yielding the OBE.

1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   6
5 hours   7
6 hours   23
7 hours   50
8 hours   65
9 hours   27
10 hours   16
11 hours   3
12 hours   2

Maybe this shows my problem. I have been sleeping less than 6 hours these days which reduces the success rate of projecting.

Additional Attempts

Additional Numerous attempts,

Now it seems reaching paralysis stage has become a challenge, If one cannot reach paralysis stage then it is difficult to Astral Project.

Some possible theories:

Due to lack of full night sleep, the mind feels clouded and the sleeping paralysis vibrations do not seem strong enough, even the buzzing sound is far away. I do feel like the energy is weak to obtain that stage.

Second Attempt : Almost

Attempt 2:
September 17th

Usual getting up, freshening up and then back to bed to trigger the sleeping paralysis stage.
In about 5-10 minutes, I managed to reach the paralysis stage. Vibrations were strong and powerful, I felt intense tingling at my feet, as if someone is massaging them and then felt my legs going up in the air and being floating violently from one side to another. But in an instant I was awake again.

Tried again. It seems I am pushing myself very hard in the paralysis stage instead I should take it easy and let it come naturally by staying focused.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Attempts

I will not consider previous attempts in 2005 because I had forgotten about astral projection. Recently I looked into the subject again and determined this time to achieve it. The feeling I experienced in 2005 has not only made me very curious but is an experience which confirms the truth of Astral Projection. The feeling is very very real and cannot be compared to lucid dreaming or normal dreaming. So here we go :

Attempt 1 : 

16th September

I knew mornings were perfect. I got up, washed my face and kept telling myself that I will astral project today.

Few minutes later I went back to bed and within 5-10 mins of lying down on my back, I felt a change and suddenly the buzzing and vibration started I couldn't move but I told myself not to be scared, this is the time to focus. Unfortunately I lost my focus distracted by my thoughts I suddenly woke up. Tried again and felt it again but was again distracted by thoughts that carried me to sleep.

Will try again but not lost hope because it takes time to gain full control once I do I am sure I will project.

Moving on

After the involuntary projection 2005 I have made various attempts to project again but continued to fail due to impatience and
lack of concentration. However I have changed a lot since 2005. It seems I am more patient but I have yet to work on concentration. 

The best timings for attempting are without a doubt early mornings and afternoon naps. Most of the sources on the internet suggest the same. This is because our bodies are more relaxed, our minds more clearer and which makes it easier to fall asleep. As for me if I try to sleep again early mornings and afternoon naps ,90% of the time I get sleeping paralysis, the gateway to Astral projection.

What is sleeping paralysis ?

Sometimes while trying to fall asleep we suddenly lose control of our limbs, cannot open our eyes and have difficulty breathing.  The difficulty in breathing is due to panic because the experience can be very frightening.

During sleeping paralysis a person will feel strong vibrations and hear buzzing noises along with frightening voices and sometimes even see disturbing figures around. Sleeping paralysis is just a gateway to Astral projection, in other words you are almost ready to astral project. Once you tell yourself its normal them you are less scared which gives you the ability to breathe. Breathing through the nose is easiest when you enter this stage.

My sleeping paralysis used to be terrifying with strange voices and figures around the room but its been quite a long time since the voices and figures have faded due to constantly telling myself its all normal and there is nothing to be scared of. Because truly one should be excited as they are almost there.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is Astral Projection ?

What is Astral Projection ?

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it.[1] Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving thephysical body to travel in the astral plane.
The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife[2] in which the consciousness' or soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an... out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘higher’ realms."[3] It is therefore associated with near death experiencesand is also frequently reported as spontaneously experienced in association with sleep and dreams, illness,[4] surgical operations, drug experiences, sleep paralysis and forms of meditation.[5]
It is sometimes attempted out of curiosity,[6] or may be believed to be necessary to, or the result of, some forms of spiritual practice.[7] It may involve "travel to higher realms" called astral planes but is commonly used to describe any sensation of being "out of the body"[8] in the everyday world, even seeing one's body from outside or above. It may be reported in the form of an apparitional experience, a supposed encounter with a doppelgänger, some living person also seen somewhere else at the same time.[9]
Through the 1960s and 1970s, surveys reported percentages ranging from 8 percent to as many as 50 percent (in certain groups) of respondents who state they had such an experience.[10] The subjective nature of the experience permits explanations that do not rely on the existence of an "astral" body and plane.
The theme is treated in anthropological or ethnographic literature on witchcraft and shamanism,[11] in classical philosophy and in various myths and religious scriptures.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My First OBE

In 2004, I was sleeping on my bed, lights were off, AC running and I was alone in the room. I wasn't particularly sleepy but had school in the morning. I closed my eyes, I could hear the AC few feet away but above me.  For about 10 minutes I was lying down in the darkness when I felt powerful vibrations during which I lost control of my body. I couldn't move, breath and the terrifying noises around me got me scared out of my mind.

The vibrations lasted a minute or so, I can't recall but after that I lost the sensation of my back on the bed......And i could hear the AC running below me... I was near the ceiling... that was my first Out of Body experience!