Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sleep Statistics

Interesting Statistics on Sleep, number of hours and the possibility of a projection. Taken from


This area of tracking is vital and has proven variable to success. Each sleep cycle I would track, researching if the amount of sleep mattered in achieving successful OBE. Yes, it does and here is the breakdown based on the hours of sleep needed the day before the OBE. As you see below, between 7hrs - 8hrs of sleep was recorded showing success rate at projecting. So now, I am able to see a better picture of the hours of sleep needed personally for me in yielding the OBE.

1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   6
5 hours   7
6 hours   23
7 hours   50
8 hours   65
9 hours   27
10 hours   16
11 hours   3
12 hours   2

Maybe this shows my problem. I have been sleeping less than 6 hours these days which reduces the success rate of projecting.

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