Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fear in the vibration stage

After trying to sleep more hours, I decided to make another attempt to Astral Project. 

The usual time in the morning ( 7:00 - 7:30 am )
Although i didn't sleep well despite the number of hours due to busy work & study schedule, I still decided to try.Also remember that telling yourself throughout the day that you will astral project tonight has an effect as well. You are programming your brain that you will astral project. 

I relaxed myself by focusing on my breath, forgetting about my limps to let them relax as much as possible.  Just within minutes, I immediately entered the Sleeping paralysis. This time it was stronger than before and I was able to focus on projecting.  They kept getting stronger and stronger, not only I had keep focusing I also had to relax not getting excited that I am about to project. I have also assured myself many times that there was nothing to be scared of. 

As the vibrations got stronger, my hearing changed.. I started hearing strange whispers in my ear and felt being moved side to side, like a wobbling ball. A bit frightened by the whispers, I mean who wouldn't be scared when you hear someone speaking in your ears and you are sure you are the only person in the room. I let myself out of it and didn't try again obviously not realizing fear had become a temporary barrier. 

Next Steps Ahead : Focusing more on breathing well, reassuring of fear. I have heard from numerous sources that there is nothing to be scared of and there is no harm in even projecting at night because we humans have associated night with dangers and unknown fears. But since the mornings work best. I will keep on trying.

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